Spalling & Other Concrete Foundation Issues Found in Older Homes in Pearland, TX

There are a couple of points of concern on any old house. Usually, the roof and the foundation are at the top of the list. The integrity of the home can be compromised with a foundation that has sustained damage. A foundation can become compromised because of several different factors including, environmental conditions, age, and construction quality. There are some foundation issues that are commonly found in older homes that DuraTech Texas would like to touch on today.

Foundation Tissues Commonly Found in Older Homes

Addressing foundation issues is vital in maintaining safety and longevity when you own an older home. Here are some of the most common foundation issues we run into::
– Concrete Spalling: Sometimes, as concrete ages, the surface of it will start to flake off. This is usually due to the fact that the reinforcement bars within the concrete have started to corrode and cause the concrete to suffer as a result. This can put the integrity of the concrete and foundation at risk and needs to be addressed right away.
– Cracking: Not all cracks found during a foundation inspection are a cause for alarm. However, there are some that are indicative of major foundation trouble. Anytime there are significant gaps, it’s a cause for concern. These cracks can be caused by a number of things including settlement, moisture levels, and soil movement.
– Efflorescence: What seeps into concrete, a process of dissolving salts, then evaporating, and leaving salts behind occurs. The presence of this powdery substance on the concrete isn’t necessarily a bad thing but it does mean that there was moisture penetrating the concrete which often leads to rot, mold growth and other issues.
– Foundation Wall Deterioration: There’s a natural aging process that takes place in your house. You can maintain your home to help slow this process down, but it is something that just happens with time. Sometimes, it means that your foundation walls start to show signs of deterioration and aging. It usually looks like crumbling concrete, weakened mortar joints, and rotting in post and pier foundations. If this starts to happen, it puts your foundation at risk of not being able to support the home any longer.
– Cracks in Slab: If you notice small, hairline cracks in your concrete slab, it isn’t something you need to be necessarily concerned about. However, when those gaps get larger, you need to have the issue addressed with a foundation specialist or you could have serious structural damage down the road.

Foundation Inspection & Repair Services in Crosby, Cypress, Friendswood & Greater Houston, Texas

If you are concerned about some foundation trouble that you think might be happening with your older home, you can turn to DuraTech Texas to get to the bottom of it. We will make sure home has the structural support it needs to be a safe place for you and those you love to live. We will repair your foundation for you. Call us today!