How to Maintain the Foundation of a Home in Pearland, TX? Fix Perimeter Drainage Issues & More

As a homeowner, there are several things that you have to do to maintain your home. If you don’t properly maintain your home, it can lead to huge problems for your house. One part of your home that you want to make sure is properly maintained is your home’s foundation. You might not realize that there are maintenance tasks you can do that impact your foundation, but these are an important part of keeping your foundation safe from damage. DuraTech Texas is here to share some home maintenance tips to help you avoid damage to your foundation.

How to Maintain Your House Foundation

No one wants to experience a damaged foundation. Foundation trouble can lead to thousands of dollars in home repairs. There are some situations where you don’t have control over your home’s foundation. However, there are some things that you can do to make sure that your foundation is as protected from damage as possible.
– Install & Clean Rain Gutters: All homes should have gutters on the roofline. The gutters on your house are responsible for guiding the water away from your home. If water is able to pool near your home and its foundation, it can put pressure on the walls of your foundation and cause heaving as well as other issues. If you do have gutters installed on your home, make sure that you’re keeping them clean and free from debris. Clogs in your gutter can cause the water to pool rather than drain away from your house.
– Fix Perimeter Drainage Issues: As mentioned above, water can cause big problems for your home’s foundation. To help keep water from pooling around your yard and wreaking this havoc on your foundation, it is important to have a drainage system in place. This can be accomplished with a French drain system or other drainage system. If your foundation has already sustained damage because of poor drainage, installing a drainage system won’t magically fix the structural damage you’re facing though.
– Re-Slope the Soil: You may wonder why the land slopes gently away from your home rather than look flat. It might be nice to have flat land around your house, but it can cause major foundation trouble for you. The land needs to slop so that any water drains away from the home rather than toward the home. If you don’t have a gentle slope away from your foundation, it is something that you should make sure you take care of.

Foundation Inspection & Repair Services in Crosby, Cypress, Friendswood & Greater Houston, Texas

If you’re concerned about your home’s foundation, you can turn to DuraTech Texas to come and inspect it. We will be able to tell you whether or not you have damage to your foundation. If there is damage present, you can rely on us to fix it. We will make sure that your home is structurally sound. Call us today!